
Well this is about right

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is high.
It's your way or the highway when it comes to love.
You like to be very involved in your sweetie's life.
No question, you like to be the one calling the shots.


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is high.
You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.
Having your own life is very important for you...
Even more important than having a relationship.

Divinely Inspired

This isn't at all trying to sound preachy, but I have been inspired by God to jot a few thoughts down. I may study theology, I may be a theologian by profession, but some lessons about the soul, about evil, about God...these can't be studied in a classroom. They can only be learned from human experience:

Every day, thanks to the grace of God, I am growing a little wiser, a little stronger (in all senses of tripartite anthropology: Body, Soul and Spirit) and a little more at peace.

I foolishly stated that I thought I was finding the real me in the "relationship" I was in before, but I have come to realize that if anything, parts of my identity were being assimilated and stripped away. Because when you are with someone who has willingly gave his soul away, he has no identity left of his own. And as a result, he will try to mold, meld and morph himself and you in the process into something beyond any recognition.

It is only through the blessing I received as an end result that I was able to reconnect with the real me that was slowly slipping away. I am in awe of the friendship that God has put before me and the thought that someone would be evil enough to try to drive a wedge between two people who had never even met is beyond disheartening. It has confirmed the existence of Satan for me as well. For a long time, I was trapped in the modern theologian's perception that "Satan" is nothing more than a cop-out, a way for humans to blame their downfalls on. The greatest accomplishment that Satan can claim is that he has convinced the world he doesn't exist. I know better now and I will use that as a spiritual tool.

I have also rediscovered and reappreciated the beauty that is the soul. I have come to an understanding that the soul is intimately entwined with our identity. We are all familiar with the stories of people selling their souls, but my experience from this "relationship" has shown me the true alternative. It seems it is more the case that people discover their souls and are terrified by this thought. Because to discover your soul is to discover the real you: The person of/not of moral character, The person of care/the person of wrecklessness. Also, to discover your soul, to truly discover your soul...is to find God and to realize that there is someone/something in life that is greater than you. And too many people cannot handle this thought. Too many people cannot handle the reflection of their true selves. Or even worse, they can't handle the beauty and greatness of God. The Devil doesn't have to buy anything, because they willingly give it away.

And as a result, they are all too aware of the immediate emptiness they feel inside. Because to give away your soul is to give away yourself. And even worse, you have just given away grace and have damned yourself. Just because you have groupies in your life worshipping you, that does NOT make you God. That makes you pathetic. You can fill the void with all the drugs and alcohol you want, you can try to bed as many women as you want and justify it by saying you are trying to find true love. But you lost the love of your life when you turned your back from God, so everything in your life is going to be shallow, bitter, angry and meaningless. Life can have no meaning when there is no soul to breathe it meaning, and meaning is nothing without God.

As Jesus said in Matthew 16:26, "For what has a man profited if he has gained the entire world but has lost his soul?" Or what would a man exchange for his soul?"

Is it really worth it to feel so dead inside that the only prayers you offer is to die quickly so you don't have to deal with this emptiness and guilt? To see the results of ugliness begin to physically manifest themselves upon you as constant reminders of the sins you have commited and the beauty you gave up? So, you can have an impressive doctorate from an elite school, but if you have given the real you away in the process to obtain it...was it really worth it?


Get Behind Me

It never ceases to amaze me how my life is full of unintentional irony. (Yes, I see the irony in having unintentional irony...) Anyways, I almost have a full month of grad school completed, and the lessons I have learned in this month carry over into far more than the classroom.

Classes are still going amazingly well. I've been very good at maintaining the readings and working ahead. We had the MA Theology Colloquium last night, and it went fantastic. My aspirations for acquiring my phD in exegetical/hermeneutical studies were confirmed last night after some talks with some professors. These people really have faith in me, and I know this what God has intended for me. So every day, I use intimidation as my motivator and pray that God will continue to grant me the motivation and determination I need.

I found out today it is going to be 6-8 months before I can expect my colitis to go into remission again. So I have to be especially careful in pacing myself. I consider this a test from God, let's see if I can pass this one. In 2 weeks, I go to the hospital for a same day procedure. If all goes well, I will be able to be weaned from the steroids in about 3 weeks. If there are complications, I am looking at another 3-4 months of the steroids. However, I will be on the Colazel the rest of my life, but if I can get this bastard managed, I'll do whatever I have to.

God grants us signs sometimes that we might not like to see at first, but in the end we have to realize He has a greater purpose for us. This is the hardest lesson I have learned thus far. In my last post, I commented on the relationship I was in, and every night I prayed that God would deliver some kind of sign to let me know one way or the other. At first, I didn't like the sign He gave me at all. In fact, I was going to deny the grace He had poured out to me. That's Ash for you...ask for an answer to a prayer and then be to stubborn to listen to it. However, I relented...and let me say I am so glad I did. I have gained something so wonderful in the process at the cost of losing something that wasn't really worth it to begin with.

That's not to say I'm not still reeling from hurt. There is nothing quite like thinking you know someone, only to realize you cared about a facade, a total stranger. However, there is nothing quite like gaining a friend in the process, and that is exactly what happened. I'm not going into the details because that is for nobody to know, but let's say everything is going to work out for the best.

For those of you who know my SN, you should know its more than just that. It's become my whole mantra. Unhealthy people, relationships, Satan, etc...you can all get behind me.
You got a reaction
You got a reaction didn't, you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue

Something better than nothing
Something better than nothing, it's giving up
We all need to do something
Try keep the truth from showing up

How dare you
How old are you now, anyway?
How dare you
How old are you now, anyway?

You're given a flower
But I guess there's just no pleasing you
Your lips tastes sour
But you think that it's just me teasing you

You got a reaction
You got a reaction, didn't you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue

Get behind me
Get behind me now, anyway
Get behind me
Get behind me now, anyway

You got a reaction
You got a reaction, didn't you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue