
Now This is Divine Grace....

I am noticing that the current theme dominating my life is "Ashley Often Doesn't See Something Until It Is Already Too Late." Physical confirmation of this motif came via a minor accident I had. I was coming back from a friend's and was less than a mile away from my house, when I hit something that was in the road. I didn't even see this object in the road until I had already hit it, and the impact threw my car into the median. I was able to get my car parked back in front of my house, and all I can say was God was showering me with grace Saturday night.

For one thing, I was not seriously injured nor did I injure anyone else. I jerked my right shoulder pretty violently, but it's nothing a heating pad can't soothe. Secondly, my dad came down and drove me to where I had the accident and there was a chunk of cement completely taken out of the median. My car should have suffered major body damage as a result. However, this is all that happened:

The 2 tires on the passenger side are completely punctured and severed. And the front rim has seen better days. But there isn't a scratch on my car. Nothing happened to the body, not even a slight dent. God knows how much I adore The Blue Apostle (her Christian name). It was a reminder of how thankful I should be to own her. It was also a reminder that the things we love can be taken away from us in a moment's fleeting notice, so we really need to appreciate the things we have.

The Blue Apostle underwent great persecution:

My front end is also going to need to be seriously realigned. I also found out how ridiculously expensive a new rim costs at $220, and this is considered a bargain. A rim for a XZ2 retails for around $330, so I am not going to complain about saving a hundred dollars. Luckily, I am not going to have to pay to tow my car, as my father's friend is coming down with his flatbed truck to take it to the repair service. I am also getting my tires fairly cheaply. Normally, low ride tires like mine run over 100 dollars, but I am able to get new ones for 58 dollars apiece.

All in all, myself and the Blue Apostle were very fortunate.